Tuesday, 23 July 2013

I'm Back!!!

I know it's been a while (about 2 years yikes!!) but most of that time has been spent getting my little business running (and run it did!)

I decided to keep my facebook page going which can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cute-as-a-Button-Custom-Artwork/181783268541114

Over the past 2 years I have learned so much when it comes to my artwork and have grown as an artist as well. I now make the majority of my art on Canvas, I offer many different ways to customize (paint colours, button colours, Swarovski crystals, etc etc.) I'm having a blast!

Unfortunately I have found that facebook has made it that very few people can see my posts so I thought I should come back to blogging! Hopefully I will be able to reach more people this way.

I am also considering re joining Etsy and trying to figure out how to put a Pin it button on here haha. I actually noticed today that someone pinned my very first piece of art I ever made (tea pot) how cool is that!

Anyways, I will try to make more of an effort to keep up with the blog this time around and look forward to sharing my work with you all!

Bare with me as I figure this out (I'm a bit technologically challenged...I don't even own a cell phone! *gasp!!*)

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